Thursday, November 22, 2012

11/22/2012 Thanksgiving

  I must be one of the most blessed women on earth! To have an amazing husband that is such a great example to me and takes such good care of me over in this foreign land, to have been able to be a mother on this earth to ten terrific kids with ten great son and daughter in laws, to have twenty nine super grandchildren - and to know if we didn't have the gospel in our lives, none of these things would be lasting.  To have wonderful friends that are such great examples to me of how I should live my life is such a blessing.  We had six of our best senior missionary friends to dinner today for Thanksgiving.  How blessed we have been on this mission to live and work among such good people.

Elder Leavitt and Elder Despain

Despains, Yturraldies and Sister Leavitt
Sister Leavitt and Sister Despain

Elder Yturralde lecturing Scott
Sister Despain and Sister Yturraldie

The Leavitts, the Yturraldies, and the Despains are wonderful friends!  We all pledged not to long for home but to enjoy the day - and we did...  And once again I realize that if it weren't for the gospel we would never have gotten to know these people.   Elder Yturralde and Scott are so funny.  They constantly give each other a bad time-in the picture above Elder Yturralde was lecturing Scott on the art of doing dishes!  The Leavitts and the Despains are temple missionaries so they live in the Casa.  Of course the Yturraldes keep us company in this never dull apartment complex. 
   I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints.  It is the tie that can bind us all together eternally if we choose to live it's principles.

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