Wednesday, January 30, 2013


  Our day was great for my Spanish study - time to read and practice conjugating verbs, etc.   So here they tell us that Spanish is going to be the Celestial language so maybe by the time I die I might be able to understand it!  I am rarely in a position that I have to speak anything but music Spanish.  Scott and I try to speak Spanish to each other but we get waylaid all of the time because we forget and go off in English for an hour or two before we realize we aren't speaking Spanish.  He thinks I am losing it anyway - and he could be right except I had already lost it before we came!  We were going to the temple yesterday and I had put a shirt on the ironing board to change into.  Well I was getting ready so I asked him to find the shirt and hand it to me.  He couldn't find it and I had him looking in every nook and cranny in our apartment.  When I finally realized I had put it on!  That was the final straw for him thinking I had any sanity left!!  But then I remember years ago when I had Megan looking everywhere for the phone and I was talking on it - so things haven't changed that much......
   Altagracie, our only remaining worker friend here, got a notice today that she was being fired.  That makes 8 workers that have been fired by Soyla since we got here.  They all know she is doing some very dishonest things.  What is disappointing to us is that the Dominicans here that own the apartments just never act on anything.
   We did get to go to the temple and do a couple of sessions.  There are always new people learning the work that goes on there and that makes for many interesting experiences.  I am so grateful we can do temple work here.

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