Tuesday, January 29, 2013


   A bit of a relaxing day for me.  Went to PriceMart -to order pizza for Home Evening.  Washed and studied - read the B of M in Spanish on our way to and from Price Mart.  It has given me more pause to think about what actually is happening when I read it in Spanish and then interpret it into English.  How awfully sad it is to read the end of the book as everyone is fighting to the death until there is no one left.  Please don't let that be what happens in our society!! 
     If there is one thing I have learned in this life it is that life is all about adjusting.  About forgiving, about not being offended - about making the best out of very difficult situations - and it is a constant trial for all of us.  I know the Lord wants us to grow and become better and more Christlike.  I just pray to be able to do that!
   Scott went to Spanish and I stayed home because somewhere I picked up diarrhea and needed to be close to the restroom!  It gave me a chance to get more laundry done and talk to some of my favorite people so it was all good.

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