Every time we pass this roadside assistance place, that actually is on the side of the road, I am determined to get a picture but usually there is a car parked in front of it so this time I got it! The funny thing is there is usually a car pulled over that needs some help. Guess it was a good idea but looks pretty funny.
Today was another busy Tuesday. The temple is opening today after two weeks of cleaning. Scott went and did a session this morning while I stayed home and washed and worked on recital programs.
We picked up Grays for our trip out to Los Llanos and were blesssed one more time with a safe trip out there. There were only three students today. We got there early and Lizandra, one of our students, was very ill. Pres. Gray asked us if we would take him to the hospital which we were happy to do. When he got into the car there was this horrific smell of throw-up but he didn't have a thing on his clothes. I felt so bad for him. He told us just to leave him there so we did but as we left he was leaning against a post and looked like he was going to collapse. Elder Gray went back while we were teaching to see what had happened to him but couildn't find him in the hospital. He said there was only one patient there and it wasn't Lizandra. We checked the roadside to see if he had tried to walk to his house, which no one knows where is. Anyway we just pray that he is ok.
Dropped of the Grays and went on to Santo Domingo Stake to teach and get ready for the recital. What a bunch of kids were there tonight. One refused to play his recital piece until everyone else was through and his mother threatened to hit him with her shoe. We were there for about three hours so got home about 9:30 but the kids wanted to continue to practice and who would ever put a stop to such a novel thing!
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