Thursday, March 21, 2013


  Those quiet nights at La Romana sure sound nice right now!  The ambulances going by blaring their sirens, the buses without mufflers, the honking horns, the car alarms going off, vehicles going by with their huge sound amplifiers, people yelling, dogs barking - it's hard to believe there can be so much noise!!
   We finally got to the temple this morning.  Can't go at night because we are teaching.  The session was filled with missionaries about fifteen elders and fifteen sisters.  We did meet the girl Mike Rees was dating up at Utah State.  Cute girl!  We didn't get much of a chance to talk to her but when we go to the Casa on Monday we will try to find her if they have pday.  The  session was in English because all of the missionaries were English speaking so that was a nice review for me. We kept getting messages that there was someone who wanted to meet with us after the session but we never did find out who it was or where.   We did see Katerine, our RM student there. She actually had a name and number on a piece of paper for us to call of a person who wanted to get into the Los Americas class.  She is such a darling girl. She is one of those Dominicans that looks like  she has been anorexic for years but just is built that way.  Lucky girl!
   Got home in time to eat lunch and get ready to leave for the Institute Class at 2:30.  All is well there.  Just practice, practice, practice.  I think of Thelma McKinnon who taught me piano for years and how patient she was.  It is always a learning experience to be on the other end of things!
   La Serena is on our way home so we stopped to buy a few groceries then unloaded and had half and hour to get ready to go to our Santo Domingo lesson.  I just have to think of carrying the tecladas in and out of each lesson, climbing the stairs, etc. as the only exercise we really get.  So it's all good - but tiring!  We were missing four or so students in this class.  Cool kid and his counterpart, little Ralph, weren't there tonight.  We have so many students now it is really hard to even remember their faces let alone their names.
    I didn't mention that "naked man" was out again on Sunday.  Just can't understand why someone doesn't report him walking around in public with nothing but a two inch piece of material around his waist.  I originally thought he wore a loin cloth kind of a thing, but no, it's just the waist wrap. You turn a corner and there he is - usually he has his back towards us ( which is good!) - but not this Sunday.  Right in that area is a little family park.  Maybe it's no big deal to them but it should be...  Things are different here though.  So many live in such close quarters it's probably nothing they don't usually see.  No excuse!
     I'm getting concerned about Scott's being able to readjust to driving in Utah.  He's gotten really good at driving through stop signs, stop lights, etc.  (Usually following other cars though) Most of the Senior Missionary elders are having a great time driving here because it is such a challenge to see if you can beat the other car.  It's a good thing we live on the ranch!

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