Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/28/2012 A Day With The Kids

    The day began early because we had alot to do before we picked up the kids.  We went to the store to get some last minute stuff then headed out to Tres Brasos to pick up the kids.  Originally we were going to have the four little girls. When we talked to AltaGracie last night she thought there may be as many as eight - the twins, her older daughter and her son plus William's three.  But when we got there were nine of them waiting by the road!  The group I mentioned plus two other cousins.  They were all smiles and so excited.
     We got back to the apartment.  AltaGracie's kids thought it was great to see where their Mom worked.  But what they liked best was the elevator!  They had never been in one and their reaction was hilarious when it started to go up.  We planned out the rest  of the day according to what they wanted to do then took them across the street to McDonalds. 
They love papa fritos - their names for french fries. They were ready to go back to the apartment and make cookies though.  The girls and I made and frosted sugar cookies.  I thought we would have some to send home but no - they ate them all.  It was interesting though because we just cut out two pans of cookies and Heani started cleaning up and put everything away.  I tried to tell her in my best espanol that we could make all of the dough into cookies but couldn't quite make her understand.  Meanwhile Scott had taken the boys to the park to throw around the Frisbee.  The girls and the boys loved our keyboard and were constantly playing it.  When we finished we painted fingernails - Maria painted mine a bright yellow but they liked blue and purple! Scott and the boys popped some popcorn and they immediately scarfed it down.  Then we made some brownies and some cheerio treats to send home with them.

    The kids went out in the parking lot to find their Mom and play with some of the cheap game things we had bought. They loved the frisbie.  The girls played jacks for a little while and obviously had some practice there because they were gooooood!  And of course rode the elevator up and down at least 50 times.  The boys told us there were iguanas at the park so we all packed into the car and went to the temple grounds to show the kids the manager scene there and cross the street to the park.  Scott took the boys to pick up the Yturraldes from work and the girls and I went into the park.
We found the iguanas and started towards the caves when Katy said she had to go poopoo.  Well we had no idea where there was a restroom - this park is huge.  We finally found it and Heani said she would take Katy down to the restroom.  She soon came out saying it was too late.  I went back in with Katy  only to find there were no paper towels, no toilet paper and no water.  Other than that it was great....So we started back to the temple grounds because I knew I could clean her up a bit at the Casa.  Just as we got to the gate Scott appeared with one of the boys so we walked to the car and came home with everyone complaining and holding their noses!  Katy is five or six but has a disability from having a slight stroke when she was born.  I felt so badly for her.  I soon found that cleaning up a dark brown bottom is a bit more difficult.....
   We divided up the treats and they decided which little toy things they wanted to take home.  Then Scott picked up Alta Gracie and gave all ten of them a ride home.  Sad to say there was no room for me so I had to stay home and recuperate........

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