Tuesday, April 10, 2012


  Wish I could have gotten some pictures today of the parade that went down one of the main streets here with kids in bright red and yellow costumes, men on stilts, men in full body paint, people in yellow shirts, flags waving , music blaring, and drums pounding.  The sight and sound were incredible!  There must have been 200 or more people and they just kept coming.  This in anticipation of their elections next month.  Some of the couples that leave town for church said they had a difficult time getting home on Sunday because the streets were filled with people rallying for their candidate.  I wonder how much worse it will get. It's a good thing they have security people everywhere; it's a bad thing that no one pays any attention to them.  One of the candidates looks just like Keith McCord on the Channel 5 news.  I'm going to include a picture of him because the similarities are amazing to me. 
 It is Alysha's birthday today and the girls are gathering at Melia's for lunch.  That is just one of the special things I miss about not being with my family.  The fun thing though was we got to skype with them so it was kind of like being there. 

1 comment:

  1. He really does look a lot like him! I think you guys should put some pictures of you on here so we can all see how the island life is treating you :) I love you dad and mom!
